Definition: A Multi user operating system is a PC working framework that permits different clients to get to a single framework with one working framework on it. It is commonly utilized on enormous centralized server PCs.
Examples: Linux, Unix, Windows 2000, Ubuntu, Mac OS and so forth.,
In the Multi-user operating system, various clients associated with various terminals and we can get to, these clients through the system as appeared in the graph.

Features of the Multi-user operating system
• Multi-tasking Using the multi-client working framework we can play out various errands one after another, for example, we can run more than each program in turn.
Example: we can alter a word record while perusing the web.
• Resource sharing-we can share various peripherals like printers, hard drives or we can share a document or information. For this, every client is given a little league cut of CPU time.
• Background preparing It implies that when directions are not handled right off the bat, at that point they are executed out of sight while other projects are interfacing with the framework in the ongoing.
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Types of Multi-user Operating System
A Multi-user Operating System is of 3 kinds which are as per the following:
1. Dispersed Systems: right now, they are overseen in such a way along these lines, that they can show up as a solitary PC. Thus, a kind of system is framed through which they can speak with one another.
2. Time-cut Systems: right now, the period is allocated to each undertaking, for example, every client is given a period cut of the CPU time. As we probably are aware these time cuts are small, so it appears to the clients that they all are utilizing the centralized server PC simultaneously.
3. Multiprocessor Systems: right now, the framework uses more than one processor.
Example: Linux, Unix, Windows XP
Advantages of the Multi-user Operating System
• When one PC in the system gets influenced, at that point it doesn't influence another PC in the system. Along these lines, the framework can be taken care of proficiently.
• Also, various clients can get to a similar record on their PC.
Model: in the event that one PC contains the pdf record which the other client needs to get to, at that point the other client can get to that document.
• We utilize the multi-client working framework in the printing procedure with the goal that various clients can get to a similar printer and customary working frameworks can not do this procedure.
• Airlines likewise utilize this working framework for ticket reservations.
• We utilize the multiuser working framework in educators and library staff for taking care of and looking for books. Right now, a record is put away in one PC while different frameworks which are associated can get to that PC for questioning of books.
Disadvantages of the Multi-user Operating System
• Sometimes sharing your information gets perilous for you as your private Data likewise gets shared.
• Virus assaulting happens on all PC at the same time as the PCs are shared. So on the off chance that one PC is influenced, at that point others likewise get influenced.
• Also, PC data is shared.