Types of Computer
If one question arises in your mind how many types of computer so we can classify PC by two different ways: information taking care of abilities and size.

Based on information taking care of abilities, the PC is of three kinds:
Analogue Computer
Digital Computer
Hybrid Computer
1) Analog Computer:
Simple PCs are intended to process simple information. Simple information is constant information that changes persistently and can't have discrete qualities, for example, speed, temperature, weight, and current.
The simple PCs measure the ceaseless changes in the physical amount and by and large render yield as a perusing on a dial or scale.
Simple PCs legitimately acknowledge the information from the estimating gadget without first changing over it into numbers and codes.
Speedometer and mercury thermometer are instances of simple PCs.
2) Digital Computer:
Advanced PC is intended to perform counts and sensible activities at fast. It acknowledges the crude information as digits or numbers and procedures it with projects put away in its memory to deliver yield. Every single current PC like PCs and work areas that we use at home or office are computerized PCs.
3) Hybrid Computer:
Half breed PC has highlights of both simple and computerized PC. It is quick similar to a simple PC and has memory and precision like computerized PCs. It can process both constant and discrete information. So it is generally utilized in specific applications where both simple and computerized information is handled. For instance, a processor is utilized in petroleum siphons that changes over the estimations of fuel stream into amount and cost.
Based on size, the PC can be of five kinds:
1) Supercomputer
Supercomputers are the greatest and quickest PCs. They are intended to process immense measure of information. These types of supercomputer can process trillions of guidelines in a second. It has a great many interconnected processors.
Supercomputers are especially utilized in logical and building applications, for example, climate determining logical recreations, and atomic vitality look. The first supercomputer was created by Roger Cray in 1976.
2) Mainframe PC
Centralized server PCs are intended to help hundreds or thousands of clients at the same time. They can bolster different projects simultaneously. It implies they can execute various procedures all the while. These highlights of centralized server PCs make them perfect for huge associations like banking and telecom divisions, which need to oversee and process a high volume of information.
3) Mini frame PC
It is a moderate size multiprocessing PC. It comprises at least two processors and can bolster 4 to 200 clients one after another. Mini-frame PCs are utilized in establishments and divisions for errands, for example, charging, bookkeeping, and stock administration.
4) Workstation
Workstation is a solitary client PC that is intended for specialized or logical applications. It has a quicker microchip, an enormous measure of RAM, and rapid realistic connectors. It for the most part plays out a particular activity with incredible aptitude; appropriately, they are of various kinds, for example, illustrations workstation, music workstation, and building plan workstation.
5) Microcomputer
The microcomputer is otherwise called PC. It is a universally useful PC that is intended for individual use. It has a microchip as a focal preparing unit, memory, stockpiling region, an input unit, and yield unit. PCs and personal computers are instances of microcomputers.